Park Simalem North Sumatra

Talking about tourist attractions in North Sumatra of course that comes to mind is Parapat to Lake Toba, Karo with Sinabung and Sibayak, Park Faith in Dairi and others. Currently in North Sumatra are the resorts that offer the concept different from other tourist attractions.
Simalem park located in the Area Brand is the latest tourist attractions in Northern Sumatra. Park Simalem wide area reached approximately 206 ha giving new nuances views of Lake Toba from different angles and very spacious. Also in this place we also can see and enjoy the variety of fruits such as oranges, biwa, eggplant, passion fruit and others, which are planted and developed in the region as a complement for tourists who come to visit.
In addition, the tourist area simalem park that can be taken approximately 2.5 hours from Medan city also boasts facilities that can be said to be complete and modern but still natural or natural shades, which can provide an exciting experience that will make tourists feel at home for visit. Facilities that include Pangambatan Valley, the center flower nurseries equipped with a comfortable gazebo by the river, Codon-codon Cafe, which is a haven created to deal directly with Lake Toba, so that we can look at and enjoy the beauty of Lake Toba from the gazebo that has been built.
For tourists who like golf exercise has also prepared a large area for a golf course that is Gorat Ni Padang Golf Course. In the park area Simalem tour also provides the means for tourists who want to travel while adventuring in the outdoors is a Jungle Track made and Camping Ground, with the atmosphere of the jungle and waterfalls. To meet the culinary needs of tourists, the tourist area Simalem found the cafes that provide meals, eating of course, tasty and varied so that tourists can choose their culinary tastes of each. In addition to the culinary, in this place also sells a variety of crafts and souvenirs typical of North Sumatra who can you provide for your family and your colleagues.
For that, for those of you who have plans to visit North Sumatra, you should not miss the opportunity to travel to Park Simalem, which can give you a different feel and sensation in the tour.

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